Wednesday 18 July 2018

Music Video theory

1) How does the This Is America video meet the key conventions of a music video?

There is a narrative in the video where they are trying to convey a message and there is a video of the artist performing in the music video.

2) What comment is the video making on American culture, racism and gun violence?

This video could also perhaps be saying that gun violence and racism is seen as something which isn't dealt with as seriously, which is why the video is shown to be some sort of joke or mockery which is used to display how what is going on in America is a mockery and that it is not in anyway being taken seriously.
3) Write an analysis of the video applying the theories we have learned: Gilroy, Hall, Rose and Dyson. 

Read this Guardian feature on This Is America - including the comments below.

4) What are the three interpretations suggested in the article?

5) What alternative interpretations of the video are offered in the comments 'below the line'? 

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